Character callback function.
Key press callback function.
Exception thrown if drawing context hasn't been properly initialized.
Plotting figure type.
Create a plotting figure.
Destroy figure.
Show an image to screen.
Show given image, and then plot given GGPlotD context on top of it.
Plot GGPlotD context onto figure with given title.
Assign character input callback function.
Assign key press callback function.
Run the event loop for each present figure, and wait for key and/or given time.
1 immutable title = "Image With Point Plot"; 2 // show the image 3 image.imshow(title); 4 // construct the plot 5 auto gg = GGPlotD().put(geomPoint(Aes!(double[], "x", double[], "y")([100.00, 200.0], [200.0,100.0]))); 6 // draw it onto the figure with given title... 7 gg.plot(title);
$(LINK3, Boost Software License - Version 1.0).
Copyright Relja Ljubobratovic 2016.
Module implements on-screen image plotting utilities.
DCV offers simple interface to show an image on screen:
Figure mechanism is integrated with ggplotd library, so GGPlotD context can be directly plotted onto existing figure. To use GGPlotD library integration with DCV (dcv.plot.figure.plot), define ggplotd subConfiguration of dcv in dub configuration file:
This configuration is actually in dcv:plot subpackage, so if you define dcv:plot as dependency, you should define your subConfigurations as: