1 /**
2 Module for various utilities used throughout the library.
4 Copyright: Copyright Relja Ljubobratovic 2016.
6 Authors: Relja Ljubobratovic
8 License: $(LINK3 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License - Version 1.0).
9 */
10 module dcv.core.utils;
12 import std.traits;
13 import std.meta : allSatisfy;
15 import mir.ndslice.slice;
16 import mir.ndslice.topology: iota, flattened;
19 /// Convenience method to return an empty slice - used mainly as default argument in functions in library.
20 static Slice!(SliceKind.contiguous, packs, V*) emptySlice(size_t[] packs, V)() pure @safe nothrow
21 {
22     return Slice!(SliceKind.contiguous, packs, V*)();
23 }
25 package(dcv) @nogc pure nothrow
26 {
27     /**
28        Pack and unpack (N, T*) slices to (N-1, T[M]*).
29     */
30     auto staticPack(size_t CH, SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, T)(Slice!(kind, packs, T*) slice)
31         if (packs.length == 1)
32     {
33         enum N = packs[0];
34         size_t[N-1] shape = slice.shape[0 .. N-1];
35         ptrdiff_t[N-1] strides = [slice.strides[0] / CH, slice.strides[1] / CH];
36         T[CH]* ptr = cast(T[CH]*)slice._iterator;
37         alias Ret = Slice!(kind, [N-1], T[CH]*);
38         return Ret(shape, strides[0 .. Ret.init._strides.length], ptr);
39     }
41     /// ditto
42     auto staticUnpack(size_t CH, SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, T)(Slice!(kind, packs, T[CH]*) slice)
43         if (packs.length == 1)
44     {
45         enum N = packs[0];
46         size_t[N+1] shape = [slice.shape[0], slice.shape[1], CH];
47         ptrdiff_t[N+1] strides = [slice.strides[0] * CH, slice.strides[1] * CH, 1];
48         T* ptr = cast(T*)slice._iterator;
49         alias Ret = Slice!(kind, [N+1], T*);
50         return Ret(shape, strides[0 .. Ret.init._strides.length], ptr);
51     }
53     @safe @nogc nothrow pure auto borders(Shape)(Shape shape, size_t ks)
54     in
55     {
56         static assert(Shape.length == 2, "Non-matrix border extraction is not currently supported.");
57     }
58     body
59     {
60         import std.algorithm.comparison : max;
62         static struct Range
63         {
64             import mir.ndslice.iterator;
65             Slice!(SliceKind.contiguous, [1], IotaIterator!ptrdiff_t) rows;
66             Slice!(SliceKind.contiguous, [1], IotaIterator!ptrdiff_t) cols;
67         }
69         size_t kh = max(size_t(1), ks / 2);
71         Range[4] borders = [
72             Range(iota(shape[0]), iota(kh)),
73             Range(iota(shape[0]), iota([kh], shape[1] - kh)),
74             Range(iota(kh), iota(shape[1])),
75             Range(iota([kh], shape[0] - kh), iota(shape[1])),
76         ];
78         return borders;
79     }
80 }
82 /**
83 Clip value by it's value range.
85 Params:
86     v = input value, of the input type
88 Returns:
89     Clipped value of the output type.
90 */
91 static pure nothrow @safe T clip(T, V)(V v) if (isNumeric!V && isNumeric!T)
92 {
93     import std.traits : isFloatingPoint;
95     static if (is(T == V))
96     {
97         return v;
98     }
99     else
100     {
101         if (v <= T.min)
102             return T.min;
103         else if (v >= T.max)
104             return T.max;
105         return cast(T)v;
106     }
107 }
109 pure nothrow @safe unittest
110 {
111     int value = 30;
112     assert(clip!int(value) == cast(int)30);
113 }
115 pure nothrow @safe unittest
116 {
117     int max_ubyte_value = cast(int)ubyte.max + 1;
118     int min_ubyte_value = cast(int)ubyte.min - 1;
119     assert(clip!ubyte(max_ubyte_value) == cast(ubyte)255);
120     assert(clip!ubyte(min_ubyte_value) == cast(ubyte)0);
121 }
123 import std.compiler;
125 static if (__VERSION__ >= 2071)
126 { // due to undefined bug in flattened in dmd 2.070.0
128     /**
129      * Merge multiple slices into one.
130      * 
131      * By input of multiple Slice!(kind, [N], T*) objects, produces one Slice!(kind, [N+1], T*)
132      * object, where length of last dimension is number of input slices. Values
133      * of input slices' elements are copied to resulting slice, where [..., i] element
134      * of j-th input slice is copied to [..., i, j] element of output slice.
135      * 
136      * e.g. If three single channel images (Slice!(kind, [2], Iterator)) are merged, output will be 
137      * a three channel image (Slice!(kind, [3], Iterator)).
138      * 
139      * Params:
140      * slices = Input slices. All must by Slice object with same input template parameters.
141      * 
142      * Returns:
143      * For input of n Slice!(Contiguous, [N], T*) objects, outputs Slice!(kind, [N+1], T*) object, where 
144      * last dimension size is n.
145      */
146     pure auto merge(Slices...)(Slices slices)
147             if (Slices.length > 0 && isSlice!(Slices[0]) && allSameType!Slices)
148     {
149         import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
150         import std.array : uninitializedArray;
152         alias ElementRange = typeof(slices[0].flattened);
153         alias T = typeof(slices[0].flattened.front);
155         immutable D = slices[0].shape.length;
156         const auto length = slices[0].elementsCount;
158         auto data = uninitializedArray!(T[])(length * slices.length);
159         ElementRange[slices.length] elRange;
161         foreach (i, v; slices)
162         {
163             elRange[i] = v.flattened;
164         }
166         auto i = 0;
167         foreach (e; 0 .. length)
168         {
169             foreach (ecol; elRange)
170             {
171                 data[i++] = ecol[e];
172             }
173         }
175         size_t[D + 1] newShape;
176         newShape[0 .. D] = slices[0].shape[0 .. D];
177         newShape[D] = slices.length;
179         return data.sliced(newShape);
180     }
182     unittest
183     {
184         auto s1 = [1, 2, 3].sliced(3);
185         auto s2 = [4, 5, 6].sliced(3);
186         auto m = merge(s1, s2);
187         assert(m == [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6].sliced(3, 2));
188     }
190     unittest
191     {
192         auto s1 = [1, 2, 3, 4].sliced(2, 2);
193         auto s2 = [5, 6, 7, 8].sliced(2, 2);
194         auto m = merge(s1, s2);
195         assert(m == [1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8].sliced(2, 2, 2));
196     }
197 }
199 /// Check if given function can perform boundary condition test.
200 template isBoundaryCondition(alias bc)
201 {
202     enum bool isBoundaryCondition = true;
203 }
205 nothrow @nogc pure
206 {
208     /// $(LINK2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neumann_boundary_condition, Neumann) boundary condition test
209     auto neumann(SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, Iterator, size_t N)(Slice!(kind, packs, Iterator) tensor, size_t[N] indices...)
210     {
211         static assert(packs[0] == N, "Invalid index dimension");
212         return tensor.bcImpl!_neumann(indices);
213     }
215     /// $(LINK2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_boundary_conditions,Periodic) boundary condition test
216     auto periodic(SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, Iterator, size_t N)(Slice!(kind, packs, Iterator) tensor, size_t[N] indices...)
217     {
218         static assert(packs[0] == N, "Invalid index dimension");
219         return tensor.bcImpl!_periodic(indices);
220     }
222     /// Symmetric boundary condition test
223     auto symmetric(SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, Iterator, size_t N)(Slice!(kind, packs, Iterator) tensor, size_t[N] indices...)
224     {
225         static assert(packs[0] == N, "Invalid index dimension");
226         return tensor.bcImpl!_symmetric(indices);
227     }
229 }
231 /// Alias for generalized boundary condition test function.
232 template BoundaryConditionTest(SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, T, size_t N)
233 {
234     alias BoundaryConditionTest = ref T function(ref Slice!(kind, packs, T*) slice, size_t[N] indices...);
235 }
237 unittest
238 {
239     import mir.ndslice.allocation;
241     static assert(isBoundaryCondition!neumann);
242     static assert(isBoundaryCondition!periodic);
243     static assert(isBoundaryCondition!symmetric);
245     /*
246      * [0, 1, 2,
247      *  3, 4, 5,
248      *  6, 7, 8]
249      */
250     auto s = iota(3, 3).slice;
252     assert(s.neumann(-1, -1) == s[0, 0]);
253     assert(s.neumann(0, -1) == s[0, 0]);
254     assert(s.neumann(-1, 0) == s[0, 0]);
255     assert(s.neumann(0, 0) == s[0, 0]);
256     assert(s.neumann(2, 2) == s[2, 2]);
257     assert(s.neumann(3, 3) == s[2, 2]);
258     assert(s.neumann(1, 3) == s[1, 2]);
259     assert(s.neumann(3, 1) == s[2, 1]);
261     assert(s.symmetric(-1, -1) == s[1, 1]);
262     assert(s.symmetric(-2, -2) == s[2, 2]);
263     assert(s.symmetric(0, 0) == s[0, 0]);
264     assert(s.symmetric(2, 2) == s[2, 2]);
265     assert(s.symmetric(3, 3) == s[1, 1]);
266 }
268 private:
270 nothrow @nogc pure:
272 auto bcImpl(alias bcfunc, SliceKind kind, size_t[] packs, Iterator, size_t N)(Slice!(kind, packs, Iterator) tensor, size_t[N] indices...)
273 {
274     static if (N == 1)
275     {
276         return tensor[bcfunc(cast(int)indices[0], cast(int)tensor.length)];
277     }
278     else static if (N == 2)
279     {
280         return tensor[bcfunc(cast(int)indices[0], cast(int)tensor.length!0),
281             bcfunc(cast(int)indices[1], cast(int)tensor.length!1)];
282     }
283     else static if (N == 3)
284     {
285         return tensor[bcfunc(cast(int)indices[0], cast(int)tensor.length!0),
286             bcfunc(cast(int)indices[1], cast(int)tensor.length!1), bcfunc(cast(int)indices[2],
287                     cast(int)tensor.length!2)];
288     }
289     else
290     {
291         foreach (i, ref id; indices)
292         {
293             id = bcfunc(cast(int)id, cast(int)tensor._lengths[i]);
294         }
295         return tensor[indices];
296     }
297 }
299 int _neumann(int x, int nx)
300 {
301     if (x < 0)
302     {
303         x = 0;
304     }
305     else if (x >= nx)
306     {
307         x = nx - 1;
308     }
310     return x;
311 }
313 int _periodic(int x, int nx)
314 {
315     if (x < 0)
316     {
317         const int n = 1 - cast(int)(x / (nx + 1));
318         const int ixx = x + n * nx;
320         x = ixx % nx;
321     }
322     else if (x >= nx)
323     {
324         x = x % nx;
325     }
327     return x;
328 }
330 int _symmetric(int x, int nx)
331 {
332     if (x < 0)
333     {
334         const int borde = nx - 1;
335         const int xx = -x;
336         const int n = cast(int)(xx / borde) % 2;
338         if (n)
339             x = borde - (xx % borde);
340         else
341             x = xx % borde;
342     }
343     else if (x >= nx)
344     {
345         const int borde = nx - 1;
346         const int n = cast(int)(x / borde) % 2;
348         if (n)
349             x = borde - (x % borde);
350         else
351             x = x % borde;
352     }
353     return x;
354 }