1 /**
2 Module introduces Randomized Hough Transform implementation.
4 Example:
5 ----
7 // Load an image from filesystem.
8 Image image = imread("/path/to/image.png");
10 // Calculate edges by use of canny algorithm
11 auto edges = image
12                 .sliced
13                 .rgb2gray
14                 .as!float
15                 .slice
16                 .conv(gaussian!float(1.0f, 3, 3))
17                 .canny!ubyte(100);
19 // Setup RHT line extraction context
20 auto lines = RhtLines().epouchs(50).iterations(250).minCurve(25);
22 // Lazily iterate and detect lines in pre-processed image
23 foreach(line; lines(edges)) {
24     // do stuff with lines..
25 }
26 ----
28 For more elaborated module description visit the $(LINK2 http://dcv.dlang.io/?loc=example_rht,RHT example).
30 Copyright: Copyright © 2016, Dmitry Olshansky
32 Authors: Dmitry Olshansky
34 License: $(LINK3 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License - Version 1.0).
35 */
37 module dcv.features.rht;
39 import std.typecons, std.range.primitives;
41 import mir.ndslice;
43 /++
44     A template that bootstraps a full Randomized Hough transform implementation.
45     The basic primitives required are as follows.
47     Types: Curve and Key tuples that define curve parameters and accumulator key for the curve.
48     Functions: curveKey - accumulator key for a curve, onCurve - test if a point is on curve,
49     fitCurve - fit a curve to a given random access range of points.
50 +/
51 mixin template BaseRht()
52 {
53     alias This = typeof(this);
54     alias Point = Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y");
55     int _thrd = 2; // threshold for a maximum to be detected in accumulator
56     int _epouchs = 50; // number of epouchs to iterate (attempts to find a shape)
57     int _iters = 1000; // iterations in each epouch
58     int _minCurve = 25; // minimal curve length in pixels
60     static auto toInt(double a)
61     {
62         import std.math;
64         return cast(int)lrint(a);
65     }
67     // invalid (or empty) curve if any of parameters is NaN
68     static bool isInvalidCurve(Curve c)
69     {
70         import std.math;
72         foreach (v; c.tupleof)
73             if (v.isNaN)
74                 return true;
75         return false;
76     }
78     /// Set threshold for a curve to be considered in an accumulator
79     ref threshold(int threshold)
80     {
81         _thrd = threshold;
82         return this;
83     }
85     ref epouchs(int epouchs)
86     {
87         _epouchs = epouchs;
88         return this;
89     }
91     ref iterations(int iters)
92     {
93         _iters = iters;
94         return this;
95     }
97     ref minCurve(int minimalCurve)
98     {
99         _minCurve = minimalCurve;
100         return this;
101     }
103     static auto opCall()
104     {
105         This zis;
106         return zis;
107     }
109     /// Run RHT using non-zero points in image as edge points.
110     auto opCall(T, SliceKind kind)(Slice!(kind, [2], T*) image)
111     {
112         import std.array : appender;
114         auto points = appender!(Point[])();
115         int x, y = 0;
117         foreach(row; image)
118         {
119             x = 0;
120             foreach(e; row)
121             {
122                 if (e > 0)
123                     points.put(Point(x, y));
124                 ++x;
125             }
126             ++y;
127         }
128         return this.opCall(image, points.data);
129     }
131     /// Run RHT using prepopullated array of edge points (that may be filtered beforehand).
132     auto opCall(T, SliceKind kind, Range)(Slice!(kind, [2], T*) image, Range points) if (isInputRange!Range)
133     {
134         auto r = RhtRange!(T, kind, ElementType!Range)(this, image, points);
135         r.popFront(); // prime the detection process
136         return r;
137     }
139     static struct RhtRange(T, SliceKind kind, P)
140     {
141     private:
142         import std.container, std.random;
144         This _rht; // RHT struct with key primitives and parameters
145         Slice!(kind, [2], T*) _image; // image with edge points
146         Tuple!(Curve, int)[Key] _accum; // accumulator, parametrized on Key/Curve tuples
147         Array!P _points; // extracted edge points
148         int _epouch; // current epouch of iteration
149         Curve _current; // current detected curve
150         Xorshift rng;
151         this(Range)(This rht, Slice!(kind, [2], T*) image, Range points)
152         {
153             _rht = rht;
154             _image = image;
155             _points = make!(Array!P)(points);
156             rng = Xorshift(unpredictableSeed);
157         }
159         void accumulate(Curve curve)
160         {
161             auto key = _rht.curveKey(curve);
162             // if have a curve with the same key 
163             // replace it with weighted average
164             if (auto p = (key in _accum))
165             {
166                 auto prior = (*p)[0];
167                 auto w = (*p)[1];
168                 Curve weighted;
169                 foreach (i, _; prior.tupleof)
170                 {
171                     weighted[i] = (prior[i] * w + curve[i]) / (w + 1.0);
172                 }
173                 auto newKey = _rht.curveKey(weighted);
174                 if (key != newKey)
175                 {
176                     _accum.remove(key);
177                     _accum[newKey] = tuple(weighted, w + 1);
178                 }
179                 else
180                     *p = tuple(weighted, w + 1);
181             }
182             // simply add current curve to accum
183             else
184             {
185                 _accum[key] = tuple(curve, 1);
186             }
187         }
189         Curve bestCurve()
190         {
191             Curve best;
192             int maxW = 0;
193             foreach (_, v; _accum)
194             {
195                 if (v[1] > maxW)
196                 {
197                     maxW = v[1];
198                     best = v[0];
199                 }
200             }
201             return best;
202         }
204     public:
205         Curve front()
206         {
207             return _current;
208         }
210         bool empty()
211         {
212             return isInvalidCurve(_current);
213         }
215         void popFront()
216         {
217             import std.algorithm, std.range;
219             foreach (e; _epouch .. _rht._epouchs)
220             {
221                 _accum.clear();
222                 Curve best;
223                 foreach (i; 0 .. _rht._iters)
224                 {
225                     if (_points.length < _rht.sampleSize)
226                         break;
227                     // TODO: avoid heap allocation
228                     auto sample = randomSample(_points[], _rht.sampleSize, &rng).array;
229                     auto curve = _rht.fitCurve(_image, sample);
230                     if (!isInvalidCurve(curve))
231                         accumulate(curve);
232                 }
233                 best = bestCurve();
234                 if (isInvalidCurve(best))
235                     continue;
236                 auto newPoints = make!Array(_points[].filter!(x => !_rht.onCurve(best, x)));
237                 if (_points.length - newPoints.length > _rht._minCurve)
238                 {
239                     // remove fitted curve from the set of points
240                     copy(newPoints[], _points[0 .. newPoints.length]);
241                     _points.length = newPoints.length;
242                     _current = best;
243                     _epouch = e + 1; // skip current epouch
244                     return; // stop prematurely
245                 }
246             }
247             // spinned through all of epouchs - no more curves to detect
248             _current = Curve.init;
249         }
251         /// Resulting points that are not fitted to any shape yet
252         @property auto points()
253         {
254             return _points;
255         }
256     }
257 }
259 /// Randomized Hough Transform for lines
260 struct RhtLines
261 {
262     alias Key = Tuple!(double, double);
263     alias Curve = Tuple!(double, "m", double, "b");
264     enum sampleSize = 2; // sample points to use in each iteration
265     double _angleTol = 1.0; // tolerance in angle approximation (deg) 
266     double _interceptTol = 1.0; // tolerance in intercept approximation (pixels)
267     double _curveTol = 1.5; // tolerance of on-curve check (pixels)
268     mixin BaseRht;
270     // does coarsening to the multiple of tolerance
271     auto curveKey(Curve c)
272     {
273         import std.math;
275         auto angle = atan(c.m) / PI * 180;
276         return Key(rint(angle / _angleTol), rint(c.b / _interceptTol));
277     }
279     auto fitCurve(Range, SliceKind kind, Sample)(Slice!(kind, [2], Range) image, Sample sample)
280     {
281         int x1 = sample[0].x, y1 = sample[0].y;
282         int x2 = sample[1].x, y2 = sample[1].y;
283         if (x1 == x2)
284             return Curve(double.infinity, x1);
285         else
286         {
287             auto m = cast(double)(y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2);
288             auto b = y1 - m * x1;
289             return Curve(m, b);
290         }
291     }
293     bool onCurve(Curve curve, Point p)
294     {
295         import std.math;
297         int x = p.x, y = p.y;
298         double m = curve.m, b = curve.b;
299         if (m == double.infinity && fabs(x - b) < _curveTol)
300             return true;
301         else if (fabs(x * m + b - y) < _curveTol)
302             return true;
303         return false;
304     }
305 }
307 struct RhtCircles
308 {
309     alias Key = Tuple!(int, int, int);
310     alias Curve = Tuple!(double, "x", double, "y", double, "r");
311     enum sampleSize = 3;
312     double _centerTol = 5.0; // tolerance of center location (pixels)
313     double _radiusTol = 5.0; // tolerance of radius approfixmation (pixels)
314     double _curveTol = 8; // tolerance of on-curve check (proportional to radius)
315     mixin BaseRht;
317     // does coarsening to the multiple of tolerance
318     auto curveKey(Curve c)
319     {
320         return Key(toInt(c.x / _centerTol), toInt(c.y / _centerTol), toInt(c.r / _radiusTol));
321     }
323     auto fitCurve(Range, SliceKind kind, Sample)(Slice!(kind, [2], Range) image, Sample sample)
324     {
325         import std.math : sqrt, pow;
327         double x1 = sample[0].x, y1 = sample[0].y;
328         double x2 = sample[1].x, y2 = sample[1].y;
329         double x3 = sample[2].x, y3 = sample[2].y;
330         double ynorm = (y2 * y2 - y3 * y3) * (x2 - x1) / 2 + (x3 - x2) * (y2 * y2 - y1 * y1) / 2 + (
331                 x1 - x3) * (y2 - y3) * (x2 - x1);
332         double y = ynorm / ((y2 - y3) * (x2 - x1) + (x3 - x2) * (y2 - y1));
333         double x = (y1 - y2) * (2 * y - y1 - y2) / (x2 - x1) / 2 + (x1 + x2) / 2;
334         double r = sqrt(pow(x - x1, 2) + pow(y - y1, 2));
335         return Curve(x, y, r);
336     }
338     bool onCurve(Curve curve, Point p)
339     {
340         import std.math : fabs;
342         double x = p.x, y = p.y;
343         double x0 = curve.x, y0 = curve.y, R = curve.r;
344         x -= x0;
345         y -= y0;
346         if (fabs(x * x + y * y - R * R) < _curveTol * _curveTol)
347             return true;
348         return false;
349     }
350 }
352 struct RhtEllipses
353 {
354     alias Key = Tuple!(int, int, int, int, int);
355     alias Curve = Tuple!(double, "x", double, "y", double, "a", double, "b", double, "phi");
356     enum sampleSize = 3;
357     double _centerTol = 2.0; // tolerance of center location (pixels)
358     double _axisTol = 2.0; // tolerance of axis approximation (pixels)
359     double _phiTol = 5.0; // tolerance of angle approximation (degrees)
360     double _curveTol = 0.05; // tolerance of on-curve check (proportional to axis)
361     mixin BaseRht;
363     // does coarsening to the multiple of tolerance
364     auto curveKey(Curve c)
365     {
366         import std.math;
368         return Key(toInt(c.x / _centerTol), toInt(c.y / _centerTol), toInt(c.a / _axisTol),
369                 toInt(c.b / _axisTol), toInt(c.phi / _phiTol));
370     }
372     auto fitCurve(Range, SliceKind kind, Sample)(Slice!(kind, [2], Range) image, Sample sample)
373     {
374         Curve c;
375         //TODO:
376         return c;
377     }
379     bool onCurve(Curve curve, Point p)
380     {
381         import std.math;
383         double x = p.x, y = p.y;
384         double x0 = curve.x, y0 = curve.y, a = curve.a, b = curve.b;
385         x -= x0;
386         y -= y0;
387         double th = curve.phi * PI / 180;
388         double nx = x * cos(th) + y * sin(th);
389         double ny = -x * sin(th) + y * cos(th);
390         if (fabs(nx * nx / (a * a) + ny * ny / (b * b) - 1.0) < _curveTol)
391             return true;
392         return false;
393     }
394 }