1 /**
2 Module introduces methods that compute disparity maps for stereo pairs.
4 $(DL Stereo Matching Base API:
5     $(DD
6             $(LINK2 #emptyDisparityMap,emptyDisparityMap)
7             $(LINK2 #StereoMatcher,StereoMatcher)
8             $(LINK2 #StereoPipelineProperties,StereoPipelineProperties)
9             $(LINK2 #StereoPipeline,StereoPipeline)
10             $(LINK2 #sumAbsoluteDifferences,sumAbsoluteDifferences)
11             $(LINK2 #normalisedCrossCorrelation,normalisedCrossCorrelation)
12             $(LINK2 #absoluteDifference,absoluteDifference)
13             $(LINK2 #squaredDifference,squaredDifference)
14             $(LINK2 #semiGlobalAggregator,semiGlobalAggregator)
15             $(LINK2 #winnerTakesAll,winnerTakesAll)
16             $(LINK2 #medianDisparityFilter,medianDisparityFilter)
17             $(LINK2 #bilateralDisparityFilter,bilateralDisparityFilter)
18     )
19 )
20 $(DL Stereo Matching Pipelines:
21     $(DD
22             $(LINK2 #semiGlobalMatchingPipeline,semiGlobalMatchingPipeline)
23     )
24 )
26 Copyright: Copyright © 2016, Henry Gouk.
28 Authors: Henry Gouk
30 License: $(LINK3 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost Software License - Version 1.0).
31 */
32 module dcv.multiview.stereo.matching;
34 import mir.math.common;
35 import mir.math.sum;
37 import mir.ndslice.slice;
38 import mir.ndslice.allocation;
39 import mir.ndslice.algorithm;
40 import mir.ndslice.topology;
42 import dcv.core;
43 import dcv.core.image;
44 import dcv.core.utils : emptySlice, clip;
45 import dcv.imgproc;
47 alias DisparityType = uint;
48 alias CostType = float;
49 alias DisparityMap = Slice!(SliceKind.contiguous, [2], DisparityType *);
50 alias CostVolume = Slice!(SliceKind.contiguous, [3], CostType *);
52 /**
53 Creates an empty disparity map
54 */
55 DisparityMap emptyDisparityMap()
56 {
57     return emptySlice!([2], DisparityType);
58 }
60 /**
61 Handles boilerplate code common to all stereo matching methods.
62 */
63 class StereoMatcher
64 {
65     public
66     {
67         /**
68         Compute a disparity map using the method defined by the subclass.
70         This method assumes the images have been rectified.
71         */
72         DisparityMap evaluate(inout Image left, inout Image right, DisparityMap prealloc = emptyDisparityMap())
73         in
74         {
75             assert(left.width == right.width && left.height == right.height, "left and right must have the same dimensions");
76             assert(left.channels == right.channels, "left and right must have the same number of channels");
77             assert(left.format == right.format, "left and right must have the same pixel format");
78             assert(left.depth == right.depth, "left and right must have the same bit depth");
79         }
80         body
81         {
82             if(prealloc.empty || prealloc.length!0 != left.height || prealloc.length!1 != left.width)
83             {
84                 prealloc = new uint[left.width * left.height].sliced(left.height, left.width);
85             }
87             evaluateImpl(left, right, prealloc);
89             return prealloc;
90         }
91     }
93     protected
94     {
95         abstract void evaluateImpl(inout Image left, inout Image right, DisparityMap disp);
96     }
97 }
99 alias StereoCostFunction = void delegate(const ref StereoPipelineProperties properties, inout Image left, inout Image right, CostVolume cost);
100 alias StereoCostAggregator = void delegate(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, CostVolume costVol);
101 alias DisparityMethod = void delegate(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, CostVolume costVol, DisparityMap disp);
102 alias DisparityRefiner = void delegate(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, DisparityMap disp);
104 /**
105 Contains the properties required to build a StereoPipeline
106 */
107 struct StereoPipelineProperties
108 {
109     size_t frameWidth;
110     size_t frameHeight;
111     size_t frameChannels;
112     DisparityType minDisparity;
113     DisparityType disparityRange;
115     this(size_t frameWidth, size_t frameHeight, size_t frameChannels = 3, DisparityType minDisparity = 0, DisparityType disparityRange = 64)
116     {
117         this.frameWidth = frameWidth;
118         this.frameHeight = frameHeight;
119         this.frameChannels = frameChannels;
120         this.minDisparity = minDisparity;
121         this.disparityRange = disparityRange;
122     }
123 }
125 /**
126 This class provides a framework for constructing stereo matching pipelines that conform
127 to the taxonomy laid out in Scharstein and Szeliski (2002).
129 According to this taxonomy, stereo matching can be divided into four steps:
131 - Matching cost computation
132 - Cost aggregation
133 - Disparity computation
134 - Disparity refinement
136 Implementations of various algorithms that conform to requirements of these components
137 can be found in this module, as well as several helper functions that will create
138 commonly used pipelines out of these building blocks.
139 */
140 class StereoPipeline : StereoMatcher
141 {
142     public
143     {
144         this(const ref StereoPipelineProperties properties, StereoCostFunction costFunc, StereoCostAggregator aggregator, DisparityMethod dispMethod, DisparityRefiner refiner)
145         {
146             mProperties = properties;
147             mCostFunction = costFunc;
148             mCostAggregator = aggregator;
149             mDisparityMethod = dispMethod;
150             mDisparityRefiner = refiner;
152             //Preallocate the cost tensor
153             mCost = slice!CostType(properties.frameHeight, properties.frameWidth, properties.disparityRange - properties.minDisparity);
154         }
155     }
157     protected
158     {
159         CostVolume mCost;
160         StereoPipelineProperties mProperties;
161         StereoCostFunction mCostFunction;
162         StereoCostAggregator mCostAggregator;
163         DisparityMethod mDisparityMethod;
164         DisparityRefiner mDisparityRefiner;
166         override void evaluateImpl(inout Image left, inout Image right, DisparityMap disp)
167         {
168             mCostFunction(mProperties, left, right, mCost);
169             mCostAggregator(mProperties, mCost);
170             mDisparityMethod(mProperties, mCost, disp);
171             mDisparityRefiner(mProperties, disp);
172         }
173     }
174 }
176 /**
177 Computes the sum of absolute differences between two image patches in order to compute the matching cost.
178 */
179 StereoCostFunction sumAbsoluteDifferences(uint windowSize = 5)
180 {
181     import mir.ndslice.internal;
183 	static @fastmath CostType sad(CostType a, CostType b, CostType c)
184 	{
185         return a + fabs(b - c);
186 	}
188     return windowCost!((l, r) => reduce!sad(CostType(0), l, r))(windowSize);
189 }
191 /**
192 Computes the normalised cross correlation, also known as the cosine similarity, between image patches.
194 The resulting values are multiplied by negative one, so as to act as a loss rather than a fitness.
195 */
196 StereoCostFunction normalisedCrossCorrelation(uint windowSize = 5)
197 {
198     import mir.ndslice.internal;
200     static @fastmath CostType fma(CostType c, CostType a, CostType b)
201 	{
202         return c + a * b;
203     }
205     alias dot = reduce!fma;
207 	static @fastmath CostType ncc(L, R)(L l, R r)
208 	{
209 		return -dot(CostType(0), l, r) / sqrt(dot(CostType(0), l, l) * dot(CostType(0), r, r));
210 	}
212     return windowCost!ncc(windowSize);
213 }
215 private StereoCostFunction windowCost(alias fun)(uint windowSize)
216 {
217     void costFunc(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, inout Image left, inout Image right, CostVolume costVol)
218     {
219         //Get the images as slices
220         auto l = left
221                 .asType!CostType
222                 .sliced!CostType;
224         auto r = right
225                 .asType!CostType
226                 .sliced!CostType;
228         auto lpad = slice([l.shape[0] + windowSize - 1, l.shape[1] + windowSize - 1, l.shape[2]], CostType(0));
229         auto rpad = slice([l.shape[0] + windowSize - 1, l.shape[1] + windowSize - 1, l.shape[2]], CostType(0));
230         lpad[windowSize / 2 .. $ - windowSize / 2, windowSize / 2 .. $ - windowSize / 2, 0 .. $] = l[];
231         rpad[windowSize / 2 .. $ - windowSize / 2, windowSize / 2 .. $ - windowSize / 2, 0 .. $] = r[];
233         for(size_t d = 0; d < props.disparityRange; d++)
234         {
235             costVol[0 .. $, 0 .. d, d] = CostType.max;
236             import mir.ndslice.dynamic;
237             costVol[0 .. $, d .. $, d] = zip!true(lpad[0 .. $, d .. $], rpad[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - d])
238                                         .pack!1
239                                         .windows(windowSize, windowSize)
240                                         .unpack
241                                         .universal
242                                         .transposed!(0, 1, 4)
243                                         .pack!2
244                                         .map!(x => fun(x.unzip!'a', x.unzip!'b'))
245                                         .pack!1
246                                         .map!sum
247                                         .unpack;
248         }
249     }
251     return &costFunc;
252 }
254 /**
255 Creates a StereoCostFunction that computes the pixelwise absolute difference between intensities in the left and right images
256 */
257 StereoCostFunction absoluteDifference()
258 { 
259     import std.functional: toDelegate;
260     import mir.functional;
261     return toDelegate(&pointwiseCost!(pipe!("a - b", fabs)));
262 }
264 /**
265 Creates a StereoCostFunction that computes the pixelwise squared difference between intensities in the left and right images
266 */
267 StereoCostFunction squaredDifference()
268 {
269     import std.functional: toDelegate;
270     import mir.functional;
271     return toDelegate(&pointwiseCost!(pipe!("a - b", "a * a")));
272 }
274 /**
275 Generic method that can be used for computing pointwise matching costs
276 */
277 private void pointwiseCost(alias fun)(const ref StereoPipelineProperties properties, inout Image left, inout Image right, CostVolume costVol)
278 {
279     //Get the images as slices
280     auto l = left
281             .asType!CostType
282             .sliced!CostType;
284     auto r = right
285             .asType!CostType
286             .sliced!CostType;
288     for(size_t d = 0; d < properties.disparityRange; d++)
289     {
290         //Fill the invalid region of the cost volume with a very high cost
291         costVol[0 .. $, 0 .. d, d] = CostType.max;
293         //Compute the costs for the current disparity
294         costVol[0 .. $, d .. $, d] = zip!true(l[0 .. $, d .. $], r[0 .. $, 0 .. $ - d])
295                                     .map!fun
296                                     .pack!1
297                                     .map!sum
298                                     .unpack;
299     }
300 }
302 /**
303 Implements the cost aggregation method described by Hirschmuller (2007), commonly known as Semi-Global Matching.
304 */
305 StereoCostAggregator semiGlobalAggregator(size_t numPaths = 8, CostType p1 = 15, CostType p2 = 100)
306 in
307 {
308     assert(numPaths == 2 || numPaths == 4 || numPaths == 8 || numPaths == 16, "numPaths must be 2, 4, 8, or 16");
309 }
310 body
311 {
312     struct Path
313     {
314         bool reverseY;
315         bool reverseX;
316         int deltaY;
317         int deltaX;
318     }
320     static Path[16] paths = [//Horizontal
321                             Path(false, false, 0, 1),
322                             Path(false, true, 0, 1),
323                             //Vertical
324                             Path(false, false, 1, 0),
325                             Path(true, false, 1, 0),
326                             //45 degree angle
327                             Path(false, false, 1, 1),
328                             Path(false, true, 1, 1),
329                             Path(true, false, 1, 1),
330                             Path(true, true, 1, 1),
331                             //22.5 degree increments
332                             Path(false, false, 1, 2),
333                             Path(false, true, 1, 2),
334                             Path(true, false, 1, 2),
335                             Path(true, true, 1, 2),
336                             Path(false, false, 2, 1),
337                             Path(false, true, 2, 1),
338                             Path(true, false, 2, 1),
339                             Path(true, true, 2, 1)];
341     void aggregator(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, CostVolume costVol)
342     {
343         //Create a new cost volume full of zeros
344         auto totalCost = slice(costVol.shape, 0.0f);
346         auto height = cast(int)costVol.length!0;
347         auto width = cast(int)costVol.length!1;
349         foreach(path; paths[0 .. numPaths])
350         {
351             auto tmpCostVol = costVol.universal;
352             import mir.ndslice.dynamic;
354             if(path.reverseY)
355             {
356                 tmpCostVol = tmpCostVol.reversed!0;
357             }
359             if(path.reverseX)
360             {
361                 tmpCostVol = tmpCostVol.reversed!1;
362             }
364             auto pathCost = tmpCostVol.slice;
366             //Iterate over the y coordinate
367             for(int y = path.deltaY; y < height; y++)
368             {
369                 //Iterate over the x coordinate
370                 for(int x = path.deltaX; x < width; x++)
371                 {
372                     CostType minCost = reduce!fmin(CostType.max, pathCost[y - path.deltaY, x - path.deltaX]);
374                     //Iterate over each possible disparity
375                     for(int d = 0; d < props.disparityRange; d++)
376                     {
377                         CostType cost = fmin(pathCost[y - path.deltaY, x - path.deltaX, d], minCost + p2);
379                         if(d > 0)
380                         {
381                             cost = fmin(cost, pathCost[y - path.deltaY, x - path.deltaX, d - 1] + p1);
382                         }
384                         if(d < props.disparityRange - 1)
385                         {
386                             cost = fmin(cost, pathCost[y - path.deltaY, x - path.deltaX, d + 1] + p1);
387                         }
389                         pathCost[y, x, d] += cost - minCost;
390                     }
391                 }
392             }
394             tmpCostVol = pathCost.universal;
396             if(path.reverseY)
397             {
398                 tmpCostVol = tmpCostVol.reversed!0;
399             }
401             if(path.reverseX)
402             {
403                 tmpCostVol = tmpCostVol.reversed!1;
404             }
406             totalCost[] += tmpCostVol[];
407         }
409         costVol[] = totalCost[];
410     }
412     return &aggregator;
413 }
415 /**
416 Implements the naive winner takes all algorithm for computing a diparity map from a cost volume.
418 At each (x, y) coordinate the disparity with the lowest cost is selected.
419 */
420 DisparityMethod winnerTakesAll()
421 {
422     void disparityMethod(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, CostVolume costVol, DisparityMap disp)
423     {
424         import std.algorithm.searching: minPos;
425         disp[] = costVol
426                 .pack!1
427                 .map!(x => cast(uint)(x.length - minPos(x).length))[];
428     }
430     return &disparityMethod;
431 }
433 /**
434 Applies a median filter to the disparity map in order to correct outliers.
435 */
436 DisparityRefiner medianDisparityFilter(size_t windowSize = 3)
437 {
438     void disparityRefiner(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, DisparityMap disp)
439     {
440         disp[] = medianFilter(disp, windowSize)[];
441     }
443     return &disparityRefiner;
444 }
446 /**
447 Applies a bilateral filter to the disparity map in order to correct outliers.
448 */
449 DisparityRefiner bilateralDisparityFilter(uint windowSize, float sigmaCol, float sigmaSpace)
450 {
451     void disparityRefiner(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, DisparityMap disp)
452     {
453         disp[] = bilateralFilter!DisparityType(disp, sigmaCol, sigmaSpace, windowSize);
454     }
456     return &disparityRefiner;
457 }
459 /**
460 Creates a StereoPipeline that performs semi-global matching.
462 Absolute difference is used for computing costs, and 3x3 median filter is applied to the winner take all disparity map.
463 */
464 StereoPipeline semiGlobalMatchingPipeline(const ref StereoPipelineProperties props, size_t numPaths = 8, CostType p1 = 15, CostType p2 = 100)
465 {
466     return new StereoPipeline(props, absoluteDifference(), semiGlobalAggregator(numPaths, p1, p2), winnerTakesAll(), medianDisparityFilter());
467 }